what to do if your dog eats pesticides

Household Chemicals, Insecticides, Medications, and Foods That Are Toxic to Dogs

Tabular array of Contents

Domestic dog Poisoning Symptoms | What to Exercise If Your Dog Eats Poison | Antifreeze | Cleaning Products | Flea and Tick | Foods | Insecticides | Atomic number 82 | Medications | Mothballs | Plants | Rodenticides | Slug and Snail Poisons | Zinc


There are over 200,000 cases of domestic dog poisoning a year. Common domestic dog toxins establish in the home include:

  • Man Medications (Prescription and Over the Counter, Supplements)
  • Foods such as Chocolate, Alcohol, Avocado, Grapes, Raisins, Macadamia Nuts, and Xylitol
  • Use of Dewormers and other preventatives that exceed recommended levels
  • Household cleaners
  • Rodenticides
  • Insecticides
  • Plants
  • Backyard and Garden Products

If y'all believe your domestic dog has ingested a a substance that is poisonous to dogs, call a poisonous substance control hotline such as the one offered by the ASPCA right away (888) 426-4435 ($65 charge) or the Animal Poison Control Center (800) 548-2423. If yous accept the package for the product, cheque the label for instructions. Do not induce vomiting unless suggested by a veterinarian or hotline professional. Act fast to avoid causing permanent harm. If you see your dog suffering from seizures, is fading or losing consciousness or is having breathing difficulties, bring your dog directly to an emergency veterinary clinic.  Chemical poisoning tin be lethal, so e'er deed on the side of caution and telephone call a veterinarian immediately.

Common Household Chemicals Such As Rat Poison, Antifreeze and Mothballs (left to correct) Are Toxic To Dogs

Dog Poisoning Symptoms

Chemicals that are toxic to dogs tin can crusade mild to severe symptoms. Mild symptoms related to chemical exposure include:

  • lethargic behavior
  • poor appetite

More chronic symptoms include:

  • salivation
  • drooling
  • pass up in coordination
  • tremors
  • convulsions
  • death

See below for symptoms associated with specific chemicals that are toxic to dogs.

What To Do If Your Canis familiaris Eats a Poison

If you know what your dog ingested, check the characterization. Await for words such as danger or poison. Assume that product toxic to humans with also be toxic to dogs.

What the Chemic Label Words Mean:

Dog Toxin Label Example


Pesticide product labels are a proficient identify to commencement when determining how to avoid poisoning from products such as lawn insecticides. The REI (restricted entry interval) lists how long you should expect earlier a domestic dog should exist allowed on the lawn. This includes the removal of whatever dog toes or other items that come in contact with your pet prior to treating lawn or plant areas.

Dog Nutrient Poisoning


This poisoning can come from minor amounts of alcoholic beverages like beer, vanilla excerpt, and raw bread dough.  Alcohol poisoning can cause bloat and intestinal rupture.

Symptoms are; bloated breadbasket, seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, disorientation, coma and death.


All parts of the avocado are very poisonous to dogs.  Avocado volition destroy the middle muscle and lungs.

Signs of poisoning are; bloated abdomen, difficulty animate, seizures, coma and expiry.

Chocolate Poisoning

Chocolate cannot be metabolized past dogs.  It contains Theobromine which a chemical similar to caffeine.  Candy bars, M&M's or only a small square of baker'south chocolate tin can exist fatal to  dogs of any size.

The signs of Chocolate poisoning are; airsickness, diarrhea, hyperactivity, seizures, musculus tremors, cardiac arrest and death.

Grapes and Raisins

Information technology does not take many grapes or raisins to be fatal to most dogs.

Symptoms are airsickness, diarrhea, encarmine or foamy urine, irregular heartbeat or breathing, kidney failure and death.

Onions and Garlic

A dog's digestive system cannot digest onions and garlic.  The chemical thiosulphate causes scarlet blood cells to rupture resulting in anemia. Small amounts can exist very serious.

Symptoms of this poisoning include; difficulty breathing, weakness, airsickness, jaundice and irregular heartbeat.


Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is institute in many cakes, cookies, sugarless candy and gum.

Symptoms of this poisoning are; fatigue, staggering, irregular heartbeat or breathing, seizures, coma and death.

Insecticides, Household and Automotive Chemicals

General symptoms of pesticide poisoning are:

  • Stake gums
  • Internal bleeding (blood in urine/stool)
  • Fatigue
  • Nosebleeds
  • Excessive thirst and drooling
  • Heavy breathing
  • Muscles tremors

Ant, Flea and Cricket Insecticide

The insecticide Bendiocarb  kills ants, crickets and fleas. Manufacturers are currently reducing or phasing information technology out. Information technology causes excessive salvation, chest discomfort and muscle tremors. The insecticide Avermectin B1, used to kill burn down ants, is toxic to dogs. Related symptoms are tremors and languor.

Fly and Mosquito Insecticide

The insecticide Allethrin is used to kill mosquitoes and flies. Information technology is toxic to dogs and has been associated with dog liver cancer.

Lawn Insecticides

Organophosphates when used in backyard insecticides can be dangerous to dogs and could cause tremors and seizures. According to the ASPCA, this represents approximately 20% of calls to their poison hot line.

A University of Colorado study indicated that higher levels of the insecticide 2,4 D were found in dogs that lived near treated lawns. A study published in 1995 in Environmental Research Journal shows a "statistically significant" increase in the risk of canine malignant lymphoma in dogs exposed to herbicides, particularly 2,4-D, commonly used on lawns and in "weed and feed" products.

Insecticides that use orthophosphates (Malation,dichlorvos) and those that utilise carbamates (Carbaryl,Aldicarb, Diazinon, Methiocarb) are shown to inhibit cholinesterase in a Harvard Report. This has been shown to cause aggressive behavior in dogs. A Purdue University studies demonstrated that gardens and lawns treated with pesticide have a higher incidence of transitional cell carcinoma of the float (bladder cancer).

The insecticideRotenone can cause weight loss and vomiting.

For Additional Reading

For additional reading about dog poisoning and insecticides:

Insecticides that are Toxic to Dogs Pesticides are office of a routine pest direction strategy for almost pet owners. Animal safety on your property and the surrounding expanse should be integrated into whatsoever management decisions you brand. Adventitious animal poisonings can exist prevented by following these guidelines.

Montana State University Extension

Dog Antifreeze Poisoning

Will Antifreeze Kill a Dog?

Ethylene glycol (antifreeze) is 1 of the most dangerous things your canis familiaris could ingest. Dogs are attracted to its sweet olfactory property and taste. A tablespoon of antifreeze could impale (approximately five) or it can cause astringent symptoms in a small dog. Antifreeze dog poisonous substance treatment within hours of ingesting the poison includes induced vomiting to empty the stomach. Charcoal is giving to the dog to absorb antifreeze that is in the intestines. A medication is used which tin can prevent the dog's liver from converting the antifreeze into toxins that can harm the dog.  Like steps are taken for white spirit or barbecue light fluid poisoning.

If dog kidney failure has already started, treatment is still possible with more ambitious approaches such as canine kidney dialysis. Dialysis tin remove toxins which can give the canis familiaris's kidney an opportunity to repair themselves. A dog kidney transplant can as well be used in chronic cases.

The prognosis for dogs treated within 12 hours after ingesting anti-freeze is good. The prognosis is grave after 24 hours.

Canis familiaris Antifreeze Ingestion Symptoms

Antifreeze Dog Poison Symptoms:

  • seizures
  • staggering
  • depression
  • increased water consumption
  • increase in urination, with less urine each time
  • vomiting

Treatment: Have Firsthand Activeness if your Dog Ingests Antifreeze

    1. CALL - If you suspect dog antifreeze poisoning call an emergency veterinary clinic, your veterinarian or if you can't reach someone immediately call the ASPCA 24 hour poison hot line at (888) 426-4435.
    2. INDUCE Airsickness - Vomiting will become as much antifreeze out of your dogs system as possible.
    3. RACE TO VET - your vet volition give your dog 4-methylpyrazole or ethanol to keep the antifreeze from breaking downwardly into toxins.

Antifreeze dog poison problems can exist avoided past picking upward the poison from leaking cars and by storing the production in sealed containers. Better notwithstanding, buy a pet safe antifreeze fabricated from propylene glycol such as theSierra shown below. Antifreeze that contains propylene glycol such every bit the brand Sierra are not every bit harmful every bit antifreeze that doesn't contain this ingredient. While it will still brand your dog sick such as breadbasket upset or problems with the nervous system, information technology shouldn't cause the kidney harm. Even with this make, contact your veterinary immediately.

Antifreeze dog poison problems can be avoided by picking up the poison from leaking cars and by storing the production in sealed containers. Ameliorate yet, buy a pet safe antifreeze made from propylene glycol such as theSierra.

Dog Antifreeze Poisoning Prevention

Don't Use This

Apply this

antifreeze dog poison

pet safe antifreeze

Cleaning Products Poisonous to Dogs

Cleaning products can crusade called-for in your dogs mouth, eyes, nose, tummy and skin. Dangerous products that are toxic to dogs include:

  • Bleach
  • Dish washing Gel and Detergents
  • Drain Openers
  • Laundry Detergents
  • Oven Cleaner
  • Pino-Sol
  • Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Dog Lead Poisoning

Similar humans, lead poisoning is dangerous to dogs. Common causes include:

  • onetime paint or piece of furniture
  • structure dust
  • old flooring made with atomic number 82 (linoleum)
  • fishing weights

Symptoms of lead poisoning in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, anemia (less than normal claret cells). Call your veterinarian who will administer a medication for removing lead from your dog's body.

Medication Poisoning

Go on all medications in a rubber place (both human and pet medications).  Never requite your domestic dog human medication without first asking your veterinary.

Symptoms of medication poisoning are; vomiting, diarrhea, dilated pupils, confusion, irregular breathing, seizures, coma and without medical treatment; expiry.

Your Dog Ate Mothballs? What to Do.

Mothballs that contain the chemicals naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene are dangerous to dogs. Symptoms associated with ingesting mothballs with naphthalene include airsickness, diarrhea, anemia, weakness and collapse. Symptoms with paradichlorobenzene include liver damage, staggering or seizures.

Call your veterinarian and read the ingredients to him or her from the mothball box. Your veterinary will induce vomiting, administrate activated charcoal or intravenous fluids.

Dog Plant Poisoning

The list of poisonous plants is very long both indoors and out.  The near normally found are

  • Amaryllis
  • Azalea
  • Foxgloves
  • Hyacinth
  • Hydrangea
  • Ivy
  • Lilly (all species)
  • Rhododendron
  • Tulip
  • Yew

Symptoms of poisonous plant ingestion are;

  • Coma
  • Diarrhea
  • Dilated eyes
  • Drooling (excessive drooling)
  • Oral fissure swelling
  • Muscle tremors
  • Seizures
  • Thirst (excessive)
  • Throat swelling
  • Vomiting

See our guide to dog poisonous plants for more information.

Rat Poisoning (Rodenticides)

The same affair that attracts rats to poison, the sense of taste, is the what causes dogs to ingest rat poison. This type of poison, such asWarfarin can cause dangerous internal haemorrhage (called an anticoagulant rodenticide).  Ingredients and related brands that are toxic to dogs and that can cause canine rodenticide poisoning include:

  • coumatetralyl (brands include Racumin, Stunt, Ratryl, Cumakil)
  • brodadiolone
  • brodifacoum
  • bromadiolone (brands: Maki, Coumarin, Tomcat, Sarakat Bromabait)
  • difenacoum (brands: Neokil, Sakarat D, Sorexa Gel, Neosorexa pellets)

Symptoms associated with a dog that eats rat poison include:

  • bruises
  • -nosebleeds
  • sore joints
  • bloody vomit
  • blood in the feces

If your canis familiaris ate rat toxicant call your veterinarian immediately to avoid fatal internal bleeding. Do non look for symptoms as it might exist too late.

Slug and Snail Poisonous substance

Poison made to kill slugs and snails is harmful to dogs.  Products incorporate the chemical metaldehyde, which tastes good to dogs. Many poisons contain sugar to attract the sails and slugs which too attracts dogs.

Brands of Slug Poison Toxic to Dogs:

  • Certis Bargain five
  • Meridien
  • Carakol
  • Metalden
  • Metarex

As petty equally i teaspoon can cause dog symptoms such equally tremors, twitching and seizures. Other symptoms are:

  • blindness
  • excessive salivation
  • seizures
  • sudden death

If you suspect this trouble call your veterinary who will use charcoal to blot the toxin and maybe induce airsickness.

Flea and Tick Products

Overdoses from flea and tick products can be toxic to dogs. If yous apply too much of these products they could cause severe itching. There are several studies which support this conclusion:

  • Bladder cancer in dogs chance is "significantly increased by topical insecticide utilize"

Some canis familiaris flea control products use orthophosphates, which interfere with the nervous system. Look for ingredients such as Tetrachlorvinphos and Dichlorvos. (avert these chemicals!!!) If you notice an unusual amount of itching so immediately breast-stroke your dog with a mild canine shampoo lathering and rinsing multiple times. Phone call your veterinarian if y'all run into seizures, excessive drooling or body tremors. Your veterinary will provide activated charcoal to absorb whatsoever toxins and administrate fluids if needed.

Phone call your poison control center immediately. Your veterinarian will treat your dog for chemic burns. Practice not induce vomiting in example cleaning products are caustic.

Zinc Poisoning

Zinc poisoning is caused by eating objects toxic to dogs such as:

  • post 1982 U.Due south. pennies
  • hardware
  • nuts and bolts
  • calamine lotion (cheque label)
  • shampoo (bank check characterization)
  • cabinet hardware
  • fertilizers
  • Zinc oxide ointment
  • nails
  • paint
  • fishing weights

Every bit little as ingesting 2 pennies can cause poisoning and even death so human activity fast! Symptoms associated with zinc poisoning in dogs include diarrhea, vomiting and anemia (reduced number of ruby-red blood cells), cherry-red or orange colored urine, lack of appetite. Handling for zinc poisoning is to remove the eaten objects from your dogs digestive system.

For Additional Reading


Source: https://www.dog-health-guide.org/toxic-to-dogs.html

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